How to keep your pet safe in snow

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Our top safety tips for dogs and cats in winter weather.

Love it or hate it, snow is often an inevitable part of winter. If your pet has never experienced it before, they might be excited, confused, and terrified all at once. Follow our handy guide to keep them safe and help them enjoy the winter wonderland.

Safety tips for dogs in snow

  • If your pooch is new to snow, allow them to explore it at their own pace. Start them out with small stints outside so that their coats and paws have time to adjust.
  • Consider your dog’s normal routine. If they go to the toilet in your garden, it might be a good idea to shovel a patch of grass for them to use whilst the snow is here. If your regular walking route is too cold or difficult to get to, try somewhere with less snow or more overhead protection from falling rain, hail, sleet or snow
  • Rock salt is going to be everywhere when the roads are gritted for winter, so try and keep your dog from eating it. It may also rub on the pads of their paws and cause irritation, so wash off your dog’s paws after every walk where they may have come into contact with it, or consider buying them some boots to wear when out. In the colder months, it is very common for people to use antifreeze – a blue or green-coloured liquid that may commonly be seen on driveways, pavements or near cars. It tastes sweet to dogs (and cats), but is extremely toxic and ingestion is commonly fatal. Be extra vigilant about keeping your dog away from it by keeping them on the lead where possible.

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