Our team

Our team are dedicated pet parents, furry fans and animal experts. We have professional vets for the nitty-gritty, qualified advisors who know the ins and outs of products and treatments for four-legged families, plus some enthusiastic pet cheerleaders who’s lifestyle content will help you make informed choices.

We are what we do

Why the Lead

We know the importance of pet wellbeing, whether that’s finding a product suited to your specific breed or knowing the benefits of certain diets. Health is wealth, and we’re spreading the word to equip pet parents with all of the information they need to do the best they can for their fur family.

It starts with pet wellbeing

Tailored recommendations are the best option for your pet. From seasonal supplements and fine-tuning food to bespoke advice, we have something for every budget.

We’re backed by vets

Qualified vets and expert advisors are the trusted sources we call on to verify our content and product suggestions. Better than high standards, these are our standards.

Protecting our planet

From sustainable tweaks like planet-friendly packaging, to helping to feed less fortunate animals, we hope to make our mark by treading as consciously as we can.

Our team

Qualified Advisors and Vets



Andrew is a mixed animal veterinarian with over 7 years of clinical experience. You might recognise his face from the (bestselling) Canine Choice packaging!

Qualified Advisor


A product specialist, qualified R-SQP and general genius when it comes to recommending food, treatments and specialist supplements, Hayley is a member of our Customer Care team.

Lifestyle contributor


Crazy chihuahua lady and cat fanatic, Laura is our in-house copywriter with an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things animal.

Lifestyle contributor


General lover of all things furry and four-legged, Harriet is our in-house copywriter with a compulsive passion for petting all of the pets.