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Cat grooming

Spring grooming: Tools and tips

We love fresh starts, glossy coats and happy pets. So, with spring (and shedding season) around the corner, we’re getting set for a full grooming

Cat health

Cat health: What to look out for

Due to their nature as hunters, cats are incredibly adept at hiding disease and injury – a pivotal skill that would help them survive in

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Cat fan?

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Pet Wellbeing


Flea treatments

Our 3 top tips for a parasite-free spring

Warmer weather means spending more time outdoors, picnics, barbecues and holiday plans. But for us pet owners, it also means fleas! So, to help you

Dog diet

Does my dog need senior food?

How to change a dog’s diet is one of the most common questions dog owners have, especially as their pets age. So we asked our

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